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Many techniques are available for the sampling and measurement of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in air, but which is the best to use? Canister samples are the current gold standard, stipulated by the EPA for TO15 for analysis of air toxics and other VOCs at various concentrations, but as the list of target compounds continues to grow, canisters are being pushed to their performance limit. Another option is to use sorbent tubes. These tubes are very versatile and depending on the sampling situation various techniques can be used to retain VOCs on the media; diffusive/passive (EPA Method 325) and pumped/active (EPA TO17) sampling. Online analysis for the very volatile, ozone precursors and reactive sulfur compounds is becoming increasingly popular around the US and worldwide.

There is no one correct method but rather a range of sampling techniques that can be implemented for varying situations. This webcast will cover the various options available for sampling a variety of VOCs in a range of situations/conditions, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each technique. In addition to the sampling techniques we will look at the latest developments in analysis and detection of these compounds.


Topics include:

  • Basic knowledge of thermal desorption
  • Widely used sorbent technologies
  • Types of sampling that can be employed
  • Basic passive sampling theory
  • When to use different sampling types
  • Common air monitoring standards and methods