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This webcast presents an informative session on method translation and transfer in HPLC. In this session, our speakers present a definitive guide on everything that one would need to consider for translating and transferring HPLC methods. The session includes in-depth consideration of the hardware and data acquisition requirements for simple method transfer or translation to different column/particle size and morphology. We present many worked examples of calculations, approaches and pitfalls associated with method scaling, and transfer and include up to date concepts such as frictional heating and pressure based selectivity to ensure you are fully up to date in this subject area. A must see for everyone translating or transferring HPLC methods.


Topics include:

  • Instrument components important for method transfer
  • Characterizing your system for simple method transfer or translation to faster methods
  • Geometric scaling of method parameters (flow rate/loading etc.) for different columns/particle sizes
  • Translating gradients – pitfalls and tricks
  • UHPLC to HPLC – because sometimes we have to!
  • Pressure and temperature effects on selectivity